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Two pupils with Dr Suze Kundu

ChemSparks Interview with Dr Suze Kundu

Nano Guitar - ChemSparks Interview with Dr Suze Kundu
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Non Newtonian Ballet Shoes - ChemSparks Interview with Dr Suze Kundu
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Full Interview - ChemSparks Interview with Dr Suze Kundu - Unknown Artist
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A five-year project delivering chemistry-based activities in six Nottingham secondary schools. 

In partnership with Nottingham Trent University, Ignite! ran this five-year project, funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry's Chemistry For All initiative. The project adopted a variety of approaches, such as working with scientists and creative practitioners, delivering CPD sessions to teachers, running STEM clubs in schools, running a Chemistry Challenge and Careers evenings, to increase pupils' interest in and enjoyment of chemistry. By delivering creative approaches to learning, the project aimed to improve science teaching in schools as well as making pupils more aware of careers in STEM. Results of this project will be published in July 2020.




For the 2017-18 school year, we linked Year 9 pupils with scientists, teachers, STEM ambassadors and creative practitioners to support them in developing their own chemistry projects. These pupil-led activities are then delivered to fellow pupils during British Science Week. For more about how these went, read the blog. 




For 2018-19, we supported ten Year 11/12 pupils to develop their own research projects as well as linking them up with mentors from industry and academia. With additional funding from the Royal Society of Chemistry, we are continuing to work with this group until December 2020. 




We were able to introduce two of the ChemSparks to Dr Suze Kundu on International Women's Day 2019. They spoke about their enthusiasm for chemistry, her career, their interests and more. Clips from their conversations are to the left of this page.


Chemsparks pupils explaining their research projects
Come Alive With Science participants
Chemsparks trip to The Institute of Making in London
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