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FOSAC 2024 Headlines

Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity 2024

Running from 5th-16th February, the 9th year of the Festival of Science and Curiosity spanned throughout Nottinghamshire bringing science out from behind closed doors and into our everyday lives.  We met thousands of people who explored, experimented and examined science in lots of different ways, working with scientists, researchers and STEM professionals.  

Here a just a few of the main outcomes of the festival: 

  • 15,700 people engaged with FOSAC 2024 through our schools and public programme 

  • 94 events including workshops, science fun days, school visits and open labs 

  • 286 volunteers who gave their expertise and time 

  • 17 partners who provided funding for the festival to take place

  • 60 schools engaged in the festival through visits, workshops and magazines

  • 91% of postcode in Nottinghamshire reached 

  • 96% of attendees said that they learned something new 

  • 10,000 magazines distributed to schools, community groups, libraries and museums 

We are so proud that this year, FOSAC had its largest school engagement with a total of 60 schools getting involved in the festival.  Working with amazing partners, volunteers and schools, the programme included students producing the festival magazine, researchers delivering STEM activities at schools and pupils making trips out to visit research centres and scientific sites, and much much more.  We also had 9 schools attend the annual Real Science in Schools Symposium at the Council House where they shared their own science projects from school with peers from other schools.  

The FOSAC schools programme is an integral part of the festival as well as providing opportunities for schools and education centres to achieve their key strategic aims and provide curriculum engagement.  It also allows children to access and engage with scientists and researchers who would not otherwise have the opportunity.  

“Our children love science. They don't have opportunities to see it outside of school due to their disadvantaged backgrounds. The project supported their ability to retain knowledge, to retrieve what they've learnt, and to to talk about their experience. All of these are areas they usually struggle with.” 

Our public programme was also full to the brim of opportunities for families to engage with science right across the county, reaching children and families in 91% of Nottinghamshire postcodes.  From 10th-15th February, we held daily Science Fun Days which hosted a fantastic range of hands-on activities, experiments and science-busking in addition to lots of exciting workshops offering more in-depth and interactive experiences, performances and a film screening.  

“Loved the mix of takeaway colouring type things plus actual scientists.  Something for everyone.” 

For the first time ever, we held a very special SEN/D friendly Science Fun Day with activities specially designed for families with SEN/D, delivered in a quieter format at Nottingham Cathedral, which is incredibly important for the accessibility and inclusivity of the festival.  We also piloted our FOSAC Community Grants, providing financial support for 4 community organisations to run events for their audiences.  

We are so grateful to everyone who helped the festival to inspire curiosity and ignite passions for science; our wonderful partners, volunteers, supporters and everyone who attended an event or workshop!  FOSAC wouldn’t be possible without you! 

“Lovely approach from members hosting, great child-friendly approach and age-appropriate learning. Thank you.” 

More information about Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity 2025 coming soon so make sure to sign up to our newsletter here.  


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