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Ignite! is recruiting!

The Ignite! team is currently recruiting to fill two new roles focusing on the delivery of the Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity.

The two roles will support the delivery of the next festival in February 2022, and will join the small but mighty Ignite! team as well as the FOSAC partnership which includes many organisations across both Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

One role is for a Marketing and Communications Lead, who will take on responsibility for the development and delivery of a Marketing and Communications plan for the festival. Another role for a Festival Production Assistant is part of the Kickstarter scheme, and will involve supporting the programming and delivery of festival programmes, projects and events.

The Ignite! team is looking forward to welcoming three new team members and invites colleagues to share the opportunities far and wide. More details about the roles can be found on the opportunities page of the Ignite! website .

The deadline for applications for the Festival Production Assistant is Sunday 19th September, 5pm and for the Marketing and Communications Lead is Friday 10th September, 5pm.


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